Comments on: DOE invests $71 million in solar manufacturing R&D First Solar, Silfab, Cubic PV among award winners. Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Thu, 16 May 2024 22:05:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman2 Thu, 16 May 2024 22:05:15 +0000 That First Solar Tandem thin film solar cell: “Project Description: This project aims to design tandem perovskite and copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) PV modules with 27% efficiency that can be easily manufactured.” Would be the step towards “outdoing” the Chinese in solar PV manufacturing cost and efficiency. The big question is will First Solar find a technology stack that will allow mass manufacturing of these panels from small outdoors telemetry units to residential solar to utility scale solar PV projects. First Solar has been the “first” to announce by 2028 their solar PV factories will be powered by (Solar PV). What’s the carbon load of a company that makes solar PV using some to a majority of solar PV?

Mate that up to the: “High-Density Interconnect Technology”, one has something that is quick cheap and easy to lay down as a printed material. (IF) this Tandem cell, interconnect technology stack can be achieved on a mass manufacturing line, then accelerated testing of the drgradation rate of the cells to prove the capability of a cell that lasts 25 years like many of the crystalline solar PV cells used today, then America has a leg up on China in manufacturing prowess, panel reliability, longevity and price point.
